Jeff Henderson

Who: Jeffrey Alan Henderson 

What: I’m a solution finder that poses as a designer & engineer.


01. Three words that describe you? 

Creative Educator Patient

02. What’s your best and worst quality? 

Best & Worst: the need to break everything down to its base. 

03. Quality you most admire in a person?  


04. Greatest love of your life? 


05. Secret talent or a skill or trait you wish you had? 

I wish I could play a musical instrument. I’ve tried so many times but I can’t commit.

06. A piece of clothing or item that has a story behind it, what is it and what’s the story?  

My life is all about clothing/shoes so that is a never ending question. Whatever shoe I’m wearing today is probably designed by or touched by someone who was a mentor, peer or student.

07. What book/podcast/movie are you into right now? 

I’m currently pacing my way through Star Trek. Nerdiest content I’ve ever consumed and it’s only tolerable with fast forward as a tool. 

08. What’s one recent change you’ve made to live more consciously? 

I’ve upended my entire product & creative team to focus on ways that impact people’s behavior with respect to each other and the planet. Wish us luck.

09. Place where you are happiest? 

Walking aimlessly through NYC. 

10. What is a cause you believe in and what’s an organization that supports it that you’d like people to know about? 

Black ownership. Property. Business. Ideas. The community groups I works with are Harlem Grown, FC Harlem, Business of Sports School and our very own NinetyNine Products.

Extra credit: 

Sign of the zodiac (and what you think that says about you)

Taurus (somewhat relevant). Birth order: youngest and only (more relevant)

If you could only have one pair of shoes, what would they be? (You can invent a hybrid if you want)

I can make any pair of shoes I want so that’s not something I’d like to answer because what if it came true.

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